
High school grad is a big deal, so here's a picture from my son's high school grad. That was three years ago — it's almost time for his university grad!

©May, 2006, John Heerema, All rights reserved — Nikon D200, 70mm @f/2.8 1/250sec,

Here's a picture I took a few years ago. Dylan was actually spinning around with Sara when I took this picture — a tribute to autofocus!

©July 1999, John Heerema, All rights reserved — Nikon F100, 80-200 f/2.8 AFS @ ~180mm, Fuji Reala

Dylan is a thrd-year Engineering student at the University of Calgary, in a new school devoted to Engineering and the Environment. Here's a picture from a trip we did in 2002 on the Nootka Island Trail.

©October, 2000, John Heerema, All rights reserved — Nikon F100, 28-70 f/2.8 AFS @ ~70mm, Fuji Reala

Dylan at Maquinne Point.


I think this image captures part of Sara's essence. I'm still debating the merit of digitally removing a smudge of food from her chin.

A few years ago, Miss Sara was at a birthday celebration for a friend in Lethbridge, when she saw an Indian Paintbrush - her Mom's favorite flower, and immediately picked it for her. But there was this problem... how would we get it to her, hundreds of miles away? Well, this photographs shows her transferring responsibility for that minor detail over to Dad!

©July 2002, John Heerema, All rights reserved — Nikon F100, 80-200 f/2.8 AFS @ 200mm, Fuji Reala

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